Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our Park Tour!

Due to our living arrangement this month, Jaxon and I have been getting out of the house as much as possible:) We have hit up lots of different parks! Today we went to North Ridge park and had a great walk and playtime!

love. him.

loves watching the ducks and the water

He really wanted to get in the water....Herky did so why couldn't he? We are SSOOO excited for the pools to open up!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cookies & Bubbles!

After a CRAZY whirlwind of a February for us....we finally had a weekend home and got in some much needed family time! Jaxon and Daddy bonded over chocolate chip cookies and a bubble bath!

this pic of Herky was just too cute to not include

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mega Mall or Bust

Spontaneous is the word for this weekend.....Ryan and I were talking Saturday afternoon that since he had a 3 day weekend, we should have gone on a little trip. So.....2 hours later, we were packed and driving to Minneapolis to the Mall of America! It used to be a lot easier to just pick up and go somewhere....not so much with a dog and child! We had to find a hotel that took dogs and had a bedroom divided from the rest of the room, with a pool and hot tub and at a reasonable price.....not easy! But, alas, we found one and were on our way! We spent Sunday at the mall....mostly just walking around and chasing Jaxon:) We did take him on a couple rides as well....which he enjoyed and so did I! We took him swimming at the hotel in the morning too. Herky even volunteered to babysit Jaxon after he went to bed sunday night so Ryan and I could soak in the hot-tub:) Such a nice dog! We had to take off monday morning after breakfast to beat the storm that was hitting back home! It was a short trip...but was fun and always nice to get away.

this ride whipped you around corners.....he was plastered to me the whole time, but didn't cry....

he was amazed at all the tall ride!

The Big Rig ride.....

he finds every wheel!

snuggle time with daddy before bed

Herky didn't waste any time making himself at home in the hotel....i guess it was his vacation too.

Our First Snowman

As tired as we were from our weekend away.....we came home to beautiful snow falling and couldn't resist building a snowman right away! It was perfect packing snow! It was our first family snowman....pretty sure Ryan and I had more fun building it than Jax....kids at heart I guess:) anyone else think its a bit of a scary snowman??? I guess we need practice....

not sure if he caught a snowflake or snot here.....

he doesn't last long in the snow yet...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

lessons from a 16 month old

Everyday I see Jaxon run over to the top of stairs in anticipation of Daddy popping his head around from the stairs when he gets home from work. He is always overcome with excitement as Ryan comes up the stairs and picks him up. Once in daddy's arm, he lays his head down with a big smile. The boy loves his daddy! The other day....he watched out the window as Ryan was snowblowing the driveway. He couldn't take his eyes off of him! He wants to be right there, doing what Dad does. As I see how Jaxon admires and loves and looks up to his daddy....I am reminded of how that is the picture God has given us as an example of how we should be looking at our heavenly Father. Am I that excited everyday to see my Father? Do I take my eyes off of him? Its amazing the lessons I learn from my little man:)